Om die heerlikheid van God op aarde sigbaar te maak deur waarlik sy Kerk te wees.

To make the glory of God on earth visible by means of truly being his Church.

Bou, tot eer van God, ‘n Bybels-gefundeerde, Heilige Gees begeleide kerk by uitnemendheid wat vir die mense van Namibië en die wêreld omgee.

Building, to the honour of God, a Bible-based, Holy Spirit led church par excellence caring for the people of Namibia and the world.

Versoen in Christus en met mekaar

Reconciled in Christ and with each other

Lukas 10 : 27

En Hy antwoord en sê: Jy moet die Here jou God liefhê uit jou hele hart en uit jou hele siel en uit jou hele krag en uit jou hele verstand; en jou naaste soos jouself

Luke 10 : 27

So He answered and said, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbour as yourself

Matthéüs 28 : 19


Gaan dan heen, maak dissipels van al die nasies, en doop hulle in die Naam van die Vader en die Seun en die Heilige Gees; en leer hulle om alles te onderhou wat Ek julle beveel het

Matthew 28 : 19


Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you

Die Apostoliese Geloof Sending van Namibië

Die Apostoliese Geloof Sending (AGS) is ’n kerkgenootskap wat deel uitmaak van Pinksterkerke wêreldwyd waarby die charismatiese kerke ingesluit word. “Pinkster” beteken dat dit ’n kerk is wat glo dat die Heilige Gees aan gelowiges geskenk word om ’n dinamiese en oorwinningslewe te lei.
Die AGS van Namibië vorm deel van die AGS wat in 29 lande verteenwoordig is. AGS Internasionaal is die sambreelliggaam wat aktiwiteite soos sending, evangelisasie en teologiese opleiding help koördineer.
Die moderne pinksterbeweging het sy ontstaan in 1906 met die uitstorting van die Heilige Gees in Los Angeles. Die kerk is lid van die Pinkster Wêreld Gemeenskap (Pentecostal World Fellowship).
Die AGS verkondig die Evangelie van Jesus Christus en glo dat wedergeboorte noodsaaklik is vir elke mens om deel van die Koninkryk van God te word (Johannes 3 vers 3).
Ons glo dat die Heilige Gees in elke gelowige woon en ons nie alleen aanspoor om volgens Galasiërs 5 vers 22 die vrug van die Gees in ons daaglikse lewens te beoefen nie maar dat ons ook deur God gebruik kan word om sy genadegawes ooreenkomstig 1 Korintiërs 12 aan beide die Kerk van Jesus Christus en die wêreld te bedien.
Die twee sakramente, naamlik die doop van gelowiges en die heilige Nagmaal word in die kerk bedien. Die doop word by wyse van drievoudige onderdompeling aan persone bedien wat kan getuig dat hulle Jesus Christus as hulle persoonlike Saligmaker en Verlosser aangeneem het. Die Nagmaal word normaalweg eenkeer per maand aan elkeen bedien wat bely dat hy / sy ’n kind van God is (Johannes 1 vers 12). Klein kinders en babas word aan die Here toegewy.
Sedert die AGS op 2 Junie 2000 in Namibië uit verskillende agtergronde verenig het, is ons leuse “Versoen in Christus en met mekaar”. Die AGS van Namibië bestaan 102 gemeentes asook 98 takgemeentes wat bedien word deur onder andere 99 pastore, verskeie evangeliste en enkele beraders wat oor die lengte en breedte van Namibië versprei is.
Die visie van die AGS van Namibië is “Bou, tot eer van God, ’n Bybels-gefundeerde, Heilige Gees begeleide kerk by uitnemendheid wat vir die mense van Namibië en die wêreld omgee”.
Die pastore van die kerk word in samewerking met teologiese instellings soos ATS (Auckland Park Seminarium), SATS (South Africa Theological Seminary) en Africa Hope opgelei. Na verloop van ’n proeftydperk kan pastore georden word. Evangeliste en beraders word ook opgelei en daarna uitgestuur.
Die afdelings van die kerk sluit in ’n Sustersforum, ’n Jeugbediening, ’n Kinderbediening, die AGS Sentrum vir Pinkster Teologie (AGSSPT) en die AFM CARE.
Die AGS het goeie bande met die Bybelgenootskap van Namibië en is ook lid van die Namibiese Raad van Kerke (Council of Churches in Namibia – CCN).
Die kerk is by verskeie ekumeniese aksies betrokke om sodoende ’n verskil vir die Kerk van Jesus Christus in ons gemeenskappe te maak.


The Apostolic Faith Mission of Namibia

The Apostolic Faith Mission (AFM) is a church denomination being part of Pentecostal churches worldwide whereby the charismatic churches are included. “Pentecostal” means that it is a church that believes that the Holy Spirit is granted to believers in order that they may live dynamic and triumphant lives.
The AFM of Namibia is part of the AFM who has a presence in 29 countries. AFM International is the umbrella body coordinating activities like missions, evangelisation and training.
The modern Pentecostal movement originated in 1906 with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Los Angeles. The denomination is a member of the Pentecostal World Fellowship.
The AFM proclaims the Gospel of Jesus Christ and believes that it is essential to be born again in order to become part of the Kingdom of God (John 3 verse 3).
We believe that the Holy Spirit lives in each believer and He not only encourages us to bear fruit in our daily lives according to Galatians 5 verse 22, but that we can also be used by God to administer his gifts of grace (charismata) to both the Church of Jesus Christ as well as the world according to 1 Corinthians 12.
The two sacraments, namely the baptism of believers and the holy Communion are served in the church. Baptism is administered by way of threefold immersion to persons testifying that they have received Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Redeemer. The Holy Communion is usually served once a month to everyone professing that he/she is a child of God (John 1 verse 12). Little children and babies are dedicated unto the Lord.
Since the AFM has united in Namibia on 2 June 2000 from various backgrounds, our slogan is “Reconciled in Christ and with each other”. The AFM of Namibia consists of 102 assemblies as well as 98 branch assemblies, served by inter alia 99 pastors, various evangelists and a number of counsellors, placed throughout the length and width of Namibia.
The vision of the AFM of Namibia is “Building, to the honour of God, a Bible-based, Holy Spirit led church par excellence caring for the people of Namibia and the world.”.
The pastors of the church are trained in collaboration with various theological institutions like ATS (Auckland Park Seminary), SATS (South Africa Theological Seminary) and Africa’s Hope. Pastors can be ordained following a period of probation. Evangelists and counsellors are also trained and thereafter commissioned.
The sections of the church comprise of a Sisters forum, a Youth ministry, a Children ministry, the AFM Centre for Pentecostal Theology (AFMCPT) and the AFM CARE.
The AFM has good ties with the Bible society of Namibia and is also a member of the Council of Churches in Namibia (CCN).
The church is involved with various ecumenical actions with a view of facilitating change for the Church of Jesus Christ within in our communities.


Die AGS verkondig die Evangelie van Jesus Christus en glo dat wedergeboorte noodsaaklik is vir elke mens om deel van die Koninkryk van God te word (Johannes 3 vers 3).

The AFM proclaims the Gospel of Jesus Christ and believes that it is essential to be born again in order to become part of the Kingdom of God (John 3 verse 3).