Why is prayer so important in a Christian’s daily life?
Prayer is one of the most important spiritual disciplines in the life of a child of God. Spiritual disciplines are the utterance of the Heart of God, the Father to live His Holy Life in and through us, by His Holy Spirit. While in His presence, the Father teaches us to live, through His Spiritual disciplines, a life of holiness.
Why have a specific time of the day to pray?
Despite the fact that we have to pray without ceasing, it is good to set some time apart during the day or night to fellowship with the Lord in prayer and in His Word. That give us (the Lord and me) time to build on our intimate relationship with one another. It is also a time for God, the Father to train us to become more aware and sensitive to the promptings of His Holy Spirit and the understanding of His Word so that we can walk in obedience to Him in everything. This obedience brings God’s glory and blessing in our daily walk.
Why do Jesus wants us to pray?
While He lived on earth, anticipating death, Jesus cried out in pain and wept in sorrow as He offered up priestly prayers to God. Because He honoured God, God answered Him (Hebrews 5 : 7). Jesus honoured God, He stood firm on God’s Word. And He said in John 10 : 35 (King James Version) “If He called them gods, unto whom the Word of God came, and the Scripture cannot be broken”. In other words, Jesus says that one cannot argue with the Scriptures, for the Scriptures is true forever. It cannot be set aside, be discredited or be nullified. And the Word of God (Good News Bible) says in Psalm 65 : 2 “Because You answer prayers, people everywhere will come to You”.
Therefore, Jesus Christ is looking for dedicated prayer warriors who stand firm on His Word with the God-kind of faith in their hearts, crying out to God for His manifesting power and revelation in their lives, so that people everywhere will come to God’s kingdom.
Why do we need to pray, if Jesus already overcome everything and know what we need?
Prayer is more than asking needs from God. Prayer is fellowship with God and part of our daily walk with God. Jesus said in Luke 18 : 7 — 8 (The Living Bible) “Don’t you think that God will surely give justice to His people who plead with Him day and night? Yes! He will answer them quickly! But the question is: When I, the Messiah, return, how many will I find who have faith and are praying?”
God’s people praying leave room for God to legally manifest and reveal His heart and will in our midst, and to participate in our daily lives and affairs, for God has given this earth to His people to live and reign like kings in this life through Jesus Christ (Romans 5 : 17).
Of what does an effective prayer contain off?
Praying the heart, the will and the passion of God with the God-kind of faith. And He reveals His heart, will and passion to us in His Word, the Bible.