Pastoor Colleen Kruger is die voorsitter van die Nasionale Susters Forum. Die ander raadslede is: pastoor Ndapewa Muahaluka (tesourier), suster Magrieta Jannetjies (sekretaresse), pastoor Selma Shafuda, susters Petra Ondigo, Ester Sirunga en Anna Ndjadila. Pastoor Kruger kan gekontak word by +264(0)817308743.

Die Nasionale Susters Forum is die Nasionale liggaam vir al die suster forums in die onderskeie gemeentes. Hulle poog om in al die streke van die land Nasionale Susters konferensies aan te bied en moedig die vroue van die AGS van Namibië aan tot gebed, gemeenskap, asook geestelike groei tot ‘n Christus gesentreerde karakter. 

Pastor Colleen Kruger is the chairperson of the National Sisters Forum. The other members are: pastor Ndapewa Muahaluka (treasurer), sister Magrieta Jannetjies (secretary), pastor Selma Shafuda, sisters Petra Indigo, Esther Sirunga and Anna Ndjadila. Pastor Kruger can be contacted at +264(0)817308743.

The National Sisters Forum is the National Body for all sister forums in the respective congregations. They endeavor to host National Sisters conferences in all parts of the country and encourage the women of the AFM of Namibia to pray, fellowship, and for spiritual growth to a Christ-centered character.


Pastoor Patrick Molutsi is die voorsitter van die Nasionale Jeugbediening. Hy kan gekontak word by +264(0)812100038. 

Die Nasionale Jeug verteenwoordig al die jeuggroepe van die gemeentes van die AGS van Namibië. Hulle doel is om jongmense in die Here God se liefde in te trek, hulle te leer om in Christus Jesus geestelik te groei en hulle toe te rus om ander jongmense te bedien, terwyl hulle die gemeenskap en samesyn van ander jong gelowiges geniet en daardeur ons Hemelse Vader te verheerlik. 

Pastor Patrick Molutsi is the chairperson of the National Youth Ministry. He can be contacted at +264 (0) 812100038. 

The National Youth represents all youth groups of the assemblies of the AFM of Namibia. Their goal is to draw young people into the Lord God’s love, to teach them to spiritually grow in Christ Jesus and to equip them to minister to other young people, while enjoying the companionship of other young believers to exalt our Heavenly Father.



Pastoor Bertie /Hoëseb is die voorsitter van die AFM CARE. Die ander raadslede is: pastoor Nico Kruger (vise-voorsitter), pastoor Colleen Kruger (sekretaresse / tesourier), broers Sedney Skrywer, Stanley Garab, Seboka Damaseb, Sagarias Hiyandjua en suster Marichen Gomes. Pastoor /Hoëseb kan gekontak word by +264(0)81 322 1932.

Die AFM CARE roep alle wedergebore mense op om andere te waardeer as die draers van die beeld van God en sodoende hulle te beskerm teen misbruik in watter vorm ook al. 

Pastor Bertie /Hoëseb is the chairperson of the AFM CARE. The other members are: pastor Nico Kruger (vice-chairperson), pastor Colleen Kruger (secretary / treasurer), brothers Sedney Skrywer, Stanley Garab, Seboka Damaseb, Sagarias Hiyandjua and sister Marichen Gomes. Pastor /Hoëseb can be contacted at +264(0)81 322 1932

The AFM CARE calls on all born again believers to value others as bearers of the image of God, thus protecting them from abuse in whatever form. 





Dr. Martin van Niekerk is die prinsipaal van die AGS Sentrum vir Pinkster Teologie. Hy kan gekontak word by +264(0)812437771.  

Die AGS Sentrum vir Pinkster Teologie (AGSSPT) se doel is om pastore vir die bediening op te lei en toe te rus.  Verder ook om kandidate as evangeliste en beraders voor te berei en om ander opleiding vir bedieninge in die liggaam van Christus te verskaf soos bv. ouderlinge en diakens asook om sekretarisse en tesouriers toe te rus vir hulle onderskeie take. Indiensopleiding vir nagraadse studente is ook beskikbaar.

Dr. Martin van Niekerk is the principal of the AFM Centre for Pentecostal Theology. He can be contacted at +264 (0) 812437771

The aim of the AFM Center for Pentecostal Theology (AFMCPT) is to train and equip pastors for ministry. Furthermore, to prepare candidates as evangelists and counselors and to provide other training for ministries in the body of Christ, such as elders and deacons, as well as equipping secretaries and treasurers for their respective tasks. In-service training for postgraduate students is also available.